How to Complete Your General Health Form
We have an obligation to ask, and are strongly urged to do so by the Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, that each guest provide certain information related to their health. Knowing the information requested below helps us to better provide for your comfort and safety, especially in the event of an emergency. All of the information you provide will be kept in confidence by The Clearing staff. Please complete your form a minimum of three weeks prior to your arrival at The Clearing.
Use the steps below to complete your general health form. In order to fill out your form, you will need to log into your Clearing User Account. If you need help creating one or logging into an existing account, please visit: Clearing User Account or give us a call 920-854-4088!

Click on the 'Account' tab, and click on 'Log In' link.

Log into your Clearing User Account. Enter your username/email, your password and click the 'Log In' button.

Click the 'Menu' icon in the main menu bar.

Click the 'Document Center' link.

Click the 'General Health Form' link.

Click 'Your Name'.

Complete the form. Then, at the bottom of the page, click the 'Save' button.

Thank you for completing the health form! If you would like to review or edit your form, you can do this anytime, by logging back into your account and clicking the 'Person' icon in the main menu bar. Then, click on 'Your Name'.

Click the 'My Forms' tab.

If you would like to make changes or updates to your form, click on the 'General Health Form' link. If you would like to review your completed form, click on the 'Printer' icon.

Make any edits your wish, then click the 'Save' button.